My Vision
Share your vision here, something that makes you unique and something when it comes to your vision
My Mission
Write your mission, what reminds you to do what you have to do.
My Goals
Share your goals regarding to the book writing, and other related to the other page.

-About Me
Rachel Hay
I am Rachel Hay. I am a professional dancer who found peace in career. I meant i found peace in every step i took which change my life
Be part of community who want to find peace in their career path.

Continue with the About me here. Write intrigue bio here but make it short,

Why I do what I do
Share why you do what you do here. The reason why you do that. Make it short and snappy

The Dancing Move to peace
You will achieve this inside this book
find your true potential
Discover to find your purpose
Be confidence

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Dance to greatness
I help people find their purpose though dancing. Want to know how I can help you.